Business Services

Business Accounting in White Plains, NY

IRS And State/Local Representation

Our firm knows the tax laws, and we know how your tax return was prepared. We can provide complete representation services before the IRS as well as state and local taxing authorities. We are also experienced in negotiating Offers in Compromise with the IRS.
An office in White Plains, NY used for business accounting

Tax Resolution Services

  • IRS representation
  • Non-Filed Taxes
  • Payroll tax Problems
  • Back taxes
  • IRS Liens and Levies
  • Wages Garnished
  • Prior Returns
  • IRS Seizure
  • IRS Payment Plans
  • Income Tax Amendments
  • IRS & NY State Voluntary Disclosure programs

Year-Round Tax Strategies

C&I continuously monitors federal, state, and local tax law changes to allow our clients to minimize current and future tax liabilities. Our full range of tax planning and compliance services are performed year-round in order to minimize your total tax burden. Our firm also prepares all federal, state and local tax returns for individuals and businesses.

Hands-On QuickBooks Advisory

Work smarter this year with the latest release of QuickBooks financial software! Colasanti & Iurato specialize in providing financial management and software support for small business utilizing QuickBooks. We can edit your exported files – even from older client versions of the software, balance the books and audit for any issues and return them to you for ongoing usage.


While we do not offer full-charge bookkeeping services, we do offer basic bank statement reconciliation through QuickBooks Pro. This important service affords us greater insight into the workings of our client’s business enabling fastidious maintenance of your businesses general well being and smooth operation. It is IMPERATIVE that our clients keep us properly informed of any changes in their business, staff changes, marital status, etc. in order to ensure that our reporting is as clear, concise and as accurate as possible.
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